Saturday, July 21, 2012


so yes... I am posting at midnight. I leave for a two week arts program tomorrow now technically. because of this, I won't be posting for a long while, which makes me sad because I feel like I'm just now starting to understand what I want my blog to look like and be about. at any rate, it'll give me time to brainstorm.

I've been spending a lot of time journaling, recording, photographing, and preparing for this blog. I know it seems kind of empty, and the '10 obsessions' post which I want to be more regular has only been featured once, but trust me when I say that I've been really thinking about this. I'm just... trying to figure out how to balance it with my life as a student and a teen, you know? it'll all sort itself out.

today was a gray day, with pouring rain and thunder, and as much as I find it strange to be happening during the summer, I do love my rain.
because of all of this, I figured I'd part (for now) with a sleepy song that perfectly describes my mood, and hopefully numbs the nerves I'm starting to feel coming on before this 'camp' type thing. I'm beyond excited, but also a tad nervous as I go into it not knowing a single person. I guess that's life, though, right?I know I'm not alone. and  I'm ready for the adventure. 

I'll be back soon!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


seeing as I just got back from our annual trip to little ol' Idaho, I figured I would make a post of my favorite pictures. we did tons of stuff there, and readied our little place for a much needed remodel. because of this, i spent a good portion of time at night drawing on all the walls (I've never been able to do that before!), and below you will see the beginnings of my doodle of the Sun Valley Serenade poster.
anyway, here you can see one of my favorite places in the world through my lens.

Monday, July 16, 2012


it's really starting to feel like summer! perhaps it's the fact that I've been consuming way too much iced coffee, the sun is shining, I've read some great books, and I've spent so much time outside - whatever it is, I'm loving it. I usually prefer cooler weather, as I'm a layers and sweaters kinda person, but after 10 straight months of rain, I'm digging the sun.
during the summer, I usually live in shorts or dresses, and these floral shorts are no exception. I love patterns; the more graphic the better.

notes: top from nordstrom, shorts from target, shoes from sperry's

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Sorry for the lateness in posting! For the next couple of days, my family and I headed to my favorite place in the entire world - good ol Sun Valley, Idaho.
On a side note, I'm using the Blogger App while I'm here. It's pretty spiffy! But it may take some getting used to...